Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Selling Venues Galore!

It wasn't but a little over two years ago that I was looking for a way to post products online for GalleriaLinda without doing the auction thing. I really dislike the auction process, although many sellers love it.

A friend of mine in another state who does not even make crafts, told me about Etsy.com. A friend of hers discovered Etsy and was setting up shop, and told her, and she told me. That is how we find out a lot of information! At that time, there were very few venues online that I found, other than Ebay, which was not an option for me.

Since then, and since Etsy has been a successful pioneer and benchmark in targeted handcraft selling, a lot of venues have popped up. Now, there are a variety of venues to select and the decision can be overwhelming. I personally found and documented almost 50 selling venues...not including auction sites.

You might be interested in the post on the INDIE CEO blog called "Selecting the Right Online Selling Venue" that will give you a few pointers on where to start when thinking about the best selling venues for your products and customers.

For traffic ranking on many of these selling sites, GalleriaLinda found Shiny Adornment's blog post here.

For your use, here is GalleriaLinda's List of 47 Selling Venues. At this writing, this list is just a list. It does NOT include auction sites and there are likely a few more to add.

The venues listed can be categorized into what can be sold, US sites, sites from other countries, those that bring in traffic, those that don't, and various other categories.

There are so many other things we can research on each, such as traffic to each as Shiny Adornments posted, as well as demographics, fees, listing limits, payment vendors, and much more.

Why do I care about all of this? Simply, to keep up with competitive research and to see where my target customer shops.

I have a feeling that many readers have blog posts that may present some of these. If so, please leave a comment with your blog post URL.

As you work your way through this list, I would love for you to comment back about your impressions of the venues that you like or dislike.

If you currently sell on venues on this list, please let me know about your experience in the comment section!

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